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The McDonald's Hash Brown Hack That Will Completely Change Your Life


McDonald's hash browns are arguably the fast food chain's tastiest menu item, with only their world-famous french fries giving them a run for their money.

It's no coincidence that Mickey D's two best bites are both salty, deep-fried potatoes, after all, science has proven two things: We are totally and completely addicted to salt, and we can't get enough of that carby potatoey goodness.

Along with the other five recognized tastes, salty, sweet, sour, bitter, and umami, a sixth has emerged: starchy. What do rice, pasta, bread, and potatoes, specifically hash browns, have in common? They're all starchy, of course, and they're all amazing. And when you add a hefty dose of salt into the mix? Forget it.

No doubt about it: There's something undeniably delicious about McDonald's fried potatoes, but there's actually way to make them even better when you order them, believe it or not.

These golden delicious bites, which the fast food chain describes as "fluffy on the inside and crispy and toasty on the outside," belong in the fast food hall of fame. And thanks to the advent of the McDonald's all day breakfast menu, we get to wrap our hands around these deep-fried potato patties for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any time in between.

Yes, the very same patties that Business Insider describes as, quote, "essentially perfection", while also warning "not to make a meal out of them, as tempting as it may be."

With all due respect to Business InsiderÂ… don't listen to Business Insider. There's no good reason McDonald's hash browns can't be the main attraction. And, as we've alluded to once already, there's a way to make those glorious potato patties even more delicious, and it's so simple we're surprised we're just now hearing about it.

Food Beast's Peter Pham, a former McDonald's employee, explains the latest fast food hack that has the internet abuzz and hungry, writing,

"I would work the morning shift at Mickey D's during my college years, and one of my favorite things to make during break would be extra crispy hash browns. Like all well-done starches, all you would have to do is leave the shredded potato patties in the hot oil a few minutes past the wail of the fryer."

And Pham has now discovered that his little breakfast secret isn't such a secret anymore, you can actually order your hash brown "well done" just like you would do with french fries, all you have to do is ask. Good lookin' out, Pham!

What can you expect out of this hack, which Pham has dubbed a "breakfast time game changer"? He says they're a bit darker on the outside, obviously, while adding,

"Texturally, they're miles crispier and add a satisfying crunch to your bite. If you're taking your meal to go, they won't get too soggy either."

Does a McDonald's hash brown really need to be hacked? Nope. We could happily go our whole lives eating unadulterated hash browns. But would an extra-crispy version hurt our feelings? Definitely not. Because at the end of the day, there's no such thing as a bad McDonald's hash brown.

If you're feeling especially adventurous, Pham recommends an unexpected finishing touch:

"I strongly recommend slapping some sweet jelly on your well-done hash brown and bite into an experience of sweet and salty, with the crunchiest texture this side of the Golden Arches."

You're crazy for this one, Pham.

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Watch the video to see the McDonald's hash brown hack that will completely change your life.

#McDonalds #HashBrowns