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Texas Rappers | Denton Goes Wild! Concert Vlog


We're showcasing 18 Texas rappers in the concert recap from Denton Goes Wild! Here's a breakdown of when each artists set appears in the video, make sure to follow them on socials if you fw their music. n_n

0:37 - Tariro

1:18- Savvy Sasha

2:22 - La Che

3:30 - Rame.Lives

5:25 - Cooli

7:03 - TBC Bruce

7:19 - Sleepy Bishop

9:28 - Pudge Brewer

9:42 - J3's Journal

11:12 - Lil Durt

12:26 - Hextape

13:05 - Solo Leano

13:26 - $MG Cinco

13:40 - LVL9

15:53 - Denver Grey

16:53 - J-Ryz

16:46 - Dop Draper

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