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What Everyone Gets Wrong About Anthony Bourdain's Death


The culinary world felt the death of Anthony Bourdain in 2018 like a lightning bolt straight to the heart. Unfortunately, there are several so-called "facts" floating around about his death that simply aren't true, and here are some of the worst of them.

Relatively new fans of Bourdain and his work may not have known about the chef's past, but those who did read any of his books — or the many interviews he did on the topic — know all too well about his struggle with drugs, particularly heroin. Because of that past, people were quick to assume some kind of substance crept into play when he passed — and some of those rumors did get started pretty quickly once the news came out, according to the Miami Herald. However, toxicology reports indicated Bourdain was free of narcotics at the time of his death, according to USA Today.

If he had been on drugs, it's easy to assume the substances distorted his sense of reality and helped convince him there was no other way to escape his depression. Sadly, since the coroner's report found nothing illegal in his system, it means the decision was something his sober mind made on its own.

Watch the video to see what everyone gets wrong about Anthony Bourdain's death.

#AnthonyBourdain #Bourdain

Drug overdose | 0:15 Reaction to a photo | 0:58 Worth millions | 1:40 Post-fame happiness | 2:23 Dark thoughts | 3:17